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健美  衡量 > 脂肪磅
I 脂肪磅 I 脂肪尺 測量儀 I 量角器 I 其他量度器具 握力計 其他力量計 計步器1 計步器2
SECA 213 便攜身高量度站

Seca213重量僅有2.4kg, 方便攜帶, 無需靠墻也能穏固竪立於平地, 不但極受外展活動組織者歡迎, 而且也是醫務所及兒科醫院的理想選擇; 組件易安裝易拆卸, 操作間單, 測量準確, 高度可至205厘米.

Portable Stadiometer SECA 213

The convenient mobile method of measuring height.

At only 2.4 kg (5,3 lbs), the seca 213 mobile stadiometer is especially suitable for use in the field but also ideal for doctors’ practices and paediatric hospitals. The measuring rod can be dismantled into several pieces and set up easily and quickly. The spacer keeps the rod straight and stable without any fittings. As the scale is printed along the side of the measuring rod, it is easy to read off the result while measuring, thus guaranteeing precise results – up to a height of 205 cm (81 inch).

  • Simple and easy to set up – no wall fastening necessary.

  • Large floor plate ensures stability.

  • Result clearly visible while measuring.

  • Convenient and easy to transport.


專業BMI電子磅連度高尺 Tanita WB3000 脂肪測量器 Omron BF-508 Seca 412 便攜收納袋 身高測量工作台 HJ02
Tanita Digital Physician Scale WB3000 Omron Body Composition Monitor BF-508 Seca 412 Carrying Case (for Seca 213)  Portable Stadiometer HJ02

簡單脂肪夾 Harpenden 夏奔騰精密脂肪夾 Skyndex 電子脂肪夾 Riester Spirotest 肺活量計
Skin Fold Caliper Harpenden Skinfold Caliper Skyndex Digital Skinfold Caliper Riester Spirotest Spirometer

Copyright © 2015 Kam Wah Enterprises Co.
Last modified: 2023年12月14日