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多用途強力急救剪 ES19058LB

  • 鋸齒狀切割邊緣: 可以安全有效地切剪繃帶, 紗布以及任何堅韌的衣物材料;

  • 結構厚重: 剪刀由高級不銹鋼製成, 能夠切割各種硬質材料;

  • 安全鈍端設計以避免對患者或其他在場人仕造成不必要的傷害;

  • 多用途用途:廣泛被急救人員、醫生、護士和醫療專業人員使用

Multi-purposes Emergency Scissors / Shears ES19058LB


  1. Serrated Cutting Edge : It could safely remove bandages or gauze and also able to cut through any tough clothing material;

  2. Heavy Duty Construction : It is made of high grade stainless steel and able to cut through a variety of hard material;

  3. Safety Tip with secure grip : Safety tip design to avoid unnecessary injury on patient. Secure grip enable for precise cutting control;

  4. Multi-purposes usage : It is widely used by doctors, nurses and medical professionals


  1. Total Length            : 190mm(7½”)

  2. Blade Length           : 50mm

  3. Net Weight              ‎: 58g

  4. Handle Color           : Light ‎Blue

  5. Handle Material       : PP 

  6. Blade Material         : ‎Stainless Steel

  7. Blade Edge              : Serrated

SAM 夾板 充氣夾板 AS-03 固定頸椎頸托 CC-01 頭部固定器 HD-01
SAM Splints Air Splint set AS-03 Cervical collar CC-01 Head Immobolizer HD-01

急救軟擔架 CST-01 多用途強力急救剪 復甦板 CP-01 脊柱固定板 YDC-7A1
Emergency Soft Stretcher CST-01 Emergency Scissors / Shears CPR Board CP-01 Spinal Board YDC-7A1

急救恒溫毯 TB150210 德國里斯特醫生電筒 硅膠蘇生器 AMBU SPUR II 復甦器
Emergency Thermal Blanket TB150210 Riester ri-pen diagnostic penlight Silicone Resuscitator Bags Ambu Spur II Resuscitator Sets

Laerdal 即棄復甦面膜 口袋復甦面罩 Laerdal 口袋型復甦器 口袋型復甦器
Laerdal CPR Face Shield Surgeon Shield CPR Pocket Mask Laerdal CPR Pocket Mask CPR Pocket Mask

Copyright © 2015 Kam Wah Enterprises Co.
Last modified: 2024年12月26日