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急救 敷料 > 護理用具 止血帶 採血止血帶 急救止血帶 醫用止血帶 軍用止血帶 兒童止血帶 單手止血帶 一次性止血帶 橡根止血帶 卡扣式止血帶 插扣止血帶 魔術貼止血帶 |
I 擔架床 | I急救儀器 | I 急救器具 | I 護理用具 | I 急救箱 | I 清洗止血 | I 包紮用品 | I 敷料及其它 |
ri-clip Vein Compressor When removing blood samples from the arm (known as phlebotomy) can be a tricky procedure, even for the most experienced clinician. Anything that can be done to make the ability to visualize the vein easier is always helpful. ri-clip is a disinfectable simple to use and release tourniquet Its easy lock and release mechanism allow for the fastest and most comfortable possible use for both the patient and clinician, preventing any pinching of the skin. Benefit to the clinician
Benefit to the patient
相關產品 |
魔術貼止血帶 | 兒童止血帶 | 一次性止血帶 50 條卷裝點連 | 一次性止血帶 卷裝點連 |
Velcro Tourniquet | Pediatric Tourniquet | Disposable Tourniquets | Disposable Tourniquet |
多用途急救箱 掛墻 / 手提 | 插扣止血帶 | 氣動止血帶5255 |
戰術止血帶 |
All Purposes ABS First Aid Case | Buckle Tourniquet | Riester Pneumatic Tourniquet | EMS Tourniquet |
德國里斯特醫生電筒 | 專業醫生電(白光/黃光) | 急救恒溫毯 TB150210 | 一次性乳膠止血帶 |
Riester ri-pen diagnostic penlight | Doctor Flash Pen Light w/dual light sources | Emergency Thermal Blanket TB150210 | Disposable Latex Tourniquet |
Velcro Tourniquet Order Made | Velcro Tourniquet Private Label | Buckle Tourniquet Printing | Buckle Tourniquet Order Made |
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Copyright © 2015 Kam Wah Enterprises Co.
Last modified: 2024年12月27日