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健美  衡量 > 醫用骨科關節量角器 骨盤尺
I 脂肪磅 I 脂肪尺及測量儀 I 量角尺 I 其他量度器具 握力計 其他力量計 計步器1 計步器2
  1. 透明塑膠手指測角器用於量度關節運動軸及其活動範圍;

  2. 半圓頭部由 30°至0°標示為過度伸展區間, 再從0°至120° 標示為屈曲區間, 刻度1°遞增;

  3. 膠臂可自由轉動及重置並固定在量度位置, 刻度以吋及公分標示

Plastic Finger Goniometer  5"


  1. Transparent plastic finger goniometer permits observation of joint’s axis of motion, and its range of motion;

  2. The head has three scales ranging from 30°hyperextensions through 120° flexion calibrated to be used;

  3. Arm has a linear scale in inches and centimeters and remains at measurement position until reset;

  4. Angle scale reads 1° increments.


12-1/2 吋360 度醫用膠量角尺 8吋360 度醫用膠量角尺 6-3/4吋180 度醫用膠量角尺 手指膠量角尺
360º Plastic Gionometer 12-1/2" 360º Plastic Goniometer 8" 180º Plastic Goniometer 6-3/4" Finger Plastic Goniometer

不鏽鋼骨科手指量角器 醫用膠量角尺 醫用量角器套庄 360 度14吋不鏽鋼骨科量角尺
SS Finger Goniometer Plastic Goniometer w/circular scale Goniometer Set J00200 360º  SS Goniometer 14"

Copyright © 2015 Kam Wah Enterprises Co.
Last modified: 2024年04月11日