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Philips HeartStart FRx 除顫器 飛利浦 HeartStart FRx 除顫器具有直觀的分步語音指令, 包括心肺復甦指導和聲音節拍器, 可在治療疑似心臟驟停 (SCA) 時幫助指導基本生命支持 (BLS) 急救人員; 預連接 SMART Pads II成人和兒童均可使用。 它堅固、輕巧、可靠, 可以承受粗暴操作和極端溫度。 當每一分鐘都很重要時, 飛利浦 HeartStart FRx 是您身邊的合作夥伴。 心連心, 一步步。 特徵
Philips HeartStart FRx defibrillator The Philips HeartStart FRx defibrillator features intuitive, step-by-step voice instructions, including CPR guidance, and an audible metronome to help guide basic life support (BLS) responders while treating a suspected sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) Pre-connected SMART Pads II can be used for both adults and children. Rugged, lightweight and reliable, it can withstand rough handling and extreme temperatures. When every minute counts, Philips HeartStart FRx is the partner by your side. Side by side. Step by step. Features
Product specifications
Copyright © 2015 Kam Wah Enterprises Co.
Last modified: 2024年12月25日