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Philips HeartStart FRx 除顫器

飛利浦 HeartStart FRx 除顫器具有直觀的分步語音指令, 包括心肺復甦指導和聲音節拍器, 可在治療疑似心臟驟停 (SCA) 時幫助指導基本生命支持 (BLS) 急救人員; 預連接 SMART Pads II成人和兒童均可使用。 它堅固、輕巧、可靠, 可以承受粗暴操作和極端溫度。 當每一分鐘都很重要時, 飛利浦 HeartStart FRx 是您身邊的合作夥伴。 心連心, 一步步。


  • 專利技術。 經過反覆驗證。

  • 即時、逐步的語音指令會根據您的動作進行調整, 聲音節拍器和心肺復甦術指導會為急救人員提供協助。 治療嬰兒或兒童時, 只需插入可選的嬰兒/兒童鑰匙, FRx 就會調整說明和治療。

  • 簡單如 1–2–3

  • 專利的快速電擊功能使FRx 通常能夠在CPR 後8 秒內提供電擊。語音指令和視覺圖示;

  • 依照指示將電極墊放在患者身上;

  • 當設備提示時,按下橘色電擊按鈕。

  • 專為您需要的地方設計

  • Philips HeartStart FRx 除顫器機身輕巧、堅固耐用且可靠, 可承受粗暴操作、極端溫度以及多塵或潮濕的表面。它專為在惡劣環境中使用而設計, 可承受高達 500 kg(1,100 lbs)的重量, 並可從 1.2 m(4 ft)處跌落。

  • 簡化維護

  • 預先連接的 SMART Pads II 可供成人和兒童使用。 安裝並啟用後,FRx 易於維護。 它每天、每周和每月執行一系列自動自我測試,以檢查焊盤準備並驗證電路和系統的功能和校準。 更換電池之間的使用壽命可達四年。


  • 型號:861304

  • 治療:成人去顫峰值電流:32A(標稱150J)進入50歐姆負載。 兒童除顫(安裝了可選的嬰兒/兒童鑰匙):19A(標稱值 50J), 50 歐姆負載。

  • 電池:待機壽命(插入後):根據使用手冊中提供的說明存放和維護時, 通常為 4 年。

  • 波形:截斷指數雙相。 根據每位患者的阻抗調整波形參數。

  • 協定:設備協定遵循預先配置的設定。 可使用 HeartStart 設定軟體客製化除顫和心肺復甦方案。

  • 快速電擊:能夠在心肺復甦間隔結束後(通常在八秒內)提供電擊。

  • 尺寸:2.4 x 7.1 x 8.9 英吋(6 x 18 x 22 公分)高 x 深 x 寬

  • 重量:附電池和電極盒:3.5 磅(1.5 公斤), 不含電池或電極盒:2.6 磅(1.2 公斤)

Philips HeartStart FRx defibrillator

The Philips HeartStart FRx defibrillator features intuitive, step-by-step voice instructions, including CPR guidance, and an audible metronome to help guide basic life support (BLS) responders while treating a suspected sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) Pre-connected SMART Pads II can be used for both adults and children. Rugged, lightweight and reliable, it can withstand rough handling and extreme temperatures. When every minute counts, Philips HeartStart FRx is the partner by your side. Side by side. Step by step.


  • Patented technology. Proven therapy.

  • Real-time, step-by-step voice commands paced to your actions, and an audible metronome and CPR guidance assist the responder. When treating an infant or child, simply insert the optional infant/child key and the FRx adjusts instructions and therapy.

  • Easy as 1–2–3

  • Patented Quick Shock feature allows the FRx to typically deliver a shock within 8 seconds after CPR.1 Studies show that minimizing time to shock after CPR may improve survival..2-5 1. Press the green On/Off button, which activates voice instruction and visual icons. 2. Place the pads on the patient as directed. 3. When advised by the device, press the orange Shock button.

  • Designed to work where you need it

  • Lightweight, rugged and reliable, the Philips HeartStart FRx defibrillator can withstand rough handling, extreme temperatures, and dusty or wet surfaces. Designed for use in harsh settings, it can withstand up to 500 kg (1,100 lbs) and drops from 1.2 m (4 ft).

  • Simplified maintenance

  • Pre-connected SMART Pads II can be used for both adults and children. Once installed and activated, the FRx is easy to maintain. It performs a series of automatic self-tests, daily, weekly, and monthly to check pad readiness and verify functionality and calibration of circuits and systems. It can last up to four years between battery replacements.

Product specifications

  • Model Number: 861304

  • Therapy: Adult defibrillation peak current: 32A (150J nominal) into a 50 ohm load. Pediatric defibrillation (with optional Infant/Child Key installed): 19A (50J nominal) into a 50 ohm load.

  • Battery :Standby life (after insertion): Typically 4 years when stored and maintained according to directions provided in Owner’s Manual.

  • Waveform: Truncated Exponential Biphasic. Waveform parameters adjusted as a function of each patient’s impedance.

  • Protocol: Device Protocol follows preconfigured settings. Defibrillation and CPR protocol can be customized using HeartStart Configure software.

  • Quick Shock: Able to deliver a shock after the end of a CPR interval, typically in eight seconds.

  • Physical requirements

  • Size: 2.4 x 7.1 x 8.9 inches (6 x 18 x 22 cm) H x D x W

  • Weight: With battery and pads case: 3.5 lbs (1.5 kg), Without battery or pads case: 2.6 lbs (1.2 kg)


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Copyright © 2015 Kam Wah Enterprises Co.
Last modified: 2024年12月25日