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脂肪尺 皮下脂肪測量器 脂肪卡尺 脂肪夾 脂肪鉗 脂肪規尺

Harpenden Skinfold Caliper 奔騰精密 脂肪夾

The Harpenden Skinfold Caliper is a precision instrument designed for use in the performance of Skinfold thickness measurements (from which estimates of body fat are derived). The use of this instrument has been well established and documented over the past 40 years.

Designed in 1958 in collaboration with D. J. M. Tanner, a prominent force in the use of Skinfold measurements in the derivation of body fat measurement,

The Harpenden Skinfold Caliper has been used all over the world on projects of international importance and is the most prestigious Caliper available.

It is the only Caliper CE marked under the Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC for a Class 1 Device with Measuring Function and is calibrated using masters traceable to National Standards.

  • Dial Graduation: 0,20 mm
  • Measuring Range: 0 mm to 80 mm
  • Measuring Pressure: 10 gms/mm2 (constant over range)
  • Accuracy: 99.00%
  • Repeatability: 0,20 mm


Copyright © 2015 Kam Wah Enterprises Co.
Last modified: 2021年08月10日