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教學 培訓 > 人體器官模型 | |||||||
I 器官模型1 | I 器官模型2 | I 器官模型3 | I 器官模型4 | I 骨骼模型 | I 闗節功能模型 | I 其它模型 | I 模擬練習模型 |
膝關節人體標本解剖模型 |
Specimen Knee Joint Model This specimen displays a deep
dissection of a left knee joint with the internal joint capsule structures
relative to superficial tissues in a flexed position. The proximal
cross-section through the distal thigh captures a small portion of the
quadriceps femoris and sartorius anteriorly (with the thickened connective
tissue of the iliotibial tract), the fat-filled popliteal fossa (with the
popliteal vessels, tibial and common peroneal nerves), and the termination
of the medial (adductor magnus tendon, gracilis) and posterior thigh
muscles (biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus) posteriorly. The
distal cross-section through the leg preserves the most proximal portion
of the muscles of the anterior, lateral and posterior compartments. Also
visible in the section are the associated neurovascular structures: the
anterior tibial artery, vein and deep peroneal nerve; the posterior tibial
artery, vein and tibial nerve; and the fibular artery and vein. Anteriorly, the skin, subcutaneous
tissue and patella have been removed, with only remnant portions of the
tendon of the quadriceps femoris and patellar ligament retained. With the
joint capsule opened, the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments and
the menisci are visible positioned between the femoral condyles and tibial
plateau. On the medial aspect, the tibial (medial) collateral ligament
passes just anterior to the insertion of the semitendinosus of the pes
anserinus (the sartorius and gracilis tendons are sectioned), which in
turn is just anterior to the posterior compartment musculature (covered by
crural fascia). On the lateral aspect, the fibular (lateral) collateral
ligament is preserved, and the anterior crural musculature is exposed.
Passing from the thigh are the inserting tendon of the biceps femoris onto
the head of the fibula, as well as the common peroneal nerve. |
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Specimen Demonstrate Foot Model | Specimen Demonstrate Hand Model | Specimen Demonstrate Heart Model | Specimen Demonstrate Male Pelvic Model |
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Specimen Fatty Liver | Specimen Foot Deep Plantar Structure | Head Neck Shoulder Thorax Angiosomes | Simulaids Brad |
Copyright © 2015 Kam Wah Enterprises Co.
Last modified: 2025年01月23日