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教學 培訓 > 人體器官模型
I 器官模型1 I 器官模型2 I 器官模型3 I 器官模型4 骨骼模型 闗節功能模型 其它模型 模擬練習模型


Specimen demonstrate Heart Model

Specimen preserves superficial cardiac anatomy and the bases of the great vessels. All four chambers (atria and ventricles) are preserved, with the pericardial reflections on the left atrium demarcating the position of the transverse and oblique pericardial sinuses. The right marginal branch of the right coronary artery is visible exiting from the fat-filled coronary sulcus, as well as the posterior interventricular (posteriro descending) artery within its sulcus.

The anterior interventricular (left anterior descending) and diagonal branches from the left coronary artery are also visible anteriorly, as well as the terminal portion of the circumflex branch deep to the left auricle and great cardiac vein. On the posterior aspect, the coronary sinus receives all the cardiac veins (great, middle, small) and a prominent posterior vein of the left ventricle. The aortic and pulmonary semilunar valves are visible at the bases of the ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk, respectively.


足部人體標本解剖模型 手部人體標本解剖模型  頭頸肩胸血管灌注標本模型 男性骨盆人體標本解剖模型
Specimen Demonstrate Foot Model Specimen Demonstrate Hand Model Head Neck Shoulder Thorax Angiosomes Specimen Demonstrate Male Pelvic Model

脂肪肝人體標本解剖模型 膝關節人體標本解剖模型 足底深層結構人體標本解剖模型 基本急救訓練模型
Specimen Fatty Liver Specimen Knee Joint Model Specimen Foot Deep Plantar Structure Simulaids Brad

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Last modified: 2025年01月23日