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培訓 > 模擬練習模型
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I 器官模型1 | I 器官模型2 | I 器官模型3 | I 器官模型4 | I 骨骼模型 | I 闗節功能模型 | I 其它模型 | I 模擬練習模型 |
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Rescue Randy Manikin, 55 lb. Official Manikin of the
Firefighter Combat Challenge Developed for lifelike adult or
juvenile patient handling, transportation, and extrication training. This
manikin can be safely used in situations too hazardous or uncomfortable
for human volunteers. Made of tough cast vinyl with zinc-plated steel
frame for longevity and rugged use. Manikin is fully articulated for
positioning in widely diversified training environments. The manikin can
be seated in an automobile, positioned in a smoke-filled room, and
immobilized on a stretcher for mountain rescue instruction. Useful for simulating the removal
of victims from utility poles, conduits, mine cave-ins, tunnels, and
limitless other training procedures. Perfect to use with the Manikin
Moulage Kit (800-6701) for casualty simulation. Manikin is 5 ft. 5 in. tall and unweighted at 55 lbs. Shipped in sweat pants. |
RANDY人體救援訓練模型 使用一系列RANDY人體救援訓練模型體驗無與倫比的逼真訓練。我們的RANDY人體救援訓練模型經過精心設計,可複製人體解剖結構和重量分佈,是逼真訓練環境的黃金標準。其堅固的結構確保了長期耐用性,即使在最嚴苛的救援和緊急情況下也是如此。 無論您是在進行城市搜救、密閉空間救援還是各種緊急應變情況的訓練,我們的RANDY人體救援訓練模型都將提供高保真的訓練體驗。這些人體模型栩栩如生的特徵和逼真的重量有助於急救人員為現實世界的救援場景做好準備,從而提高訓練效率和效果。該系列包括各種型號,確保有一款RANDY人體救援訓練模型能夠滿足您的訓練計劃的特定需求。 深入了解專為專業人士打造的系列,提供多種重量和尺寸選項,以滿足不同的訓練要求。有了RANDY人體救援訓練模型,您就投資了一項寶貴的資源,可以提高緊急應變和救援訓練的水平,有助於提高準備程度並最終挽救生命。 尋找適合您訓練需求的完美RANDY人體救援訓練模式。瀏覽我們豐富的系列,將您的訓練真實性提升到一個新的水平。我們的人體模型不僅是一種選擇,而且是對卓越訓練和準備的承諾。立即探索我們的系列,邁出實現現實、有效和有影響力的訓練的第一步。 |
Rescue Training Manikins - Various weight and size
options available to suit different training requirements. Experience unparalleled realistic training with
range of Rescue Randy Manikins. Engineered to replicate human anatomy and
weight distribution, our Rescue Randy Manikins are the gold standard for
realistic training environments. Their robust construction ensures
long-term durability, even in the most demanding rescue and emergency
scenarios. Dive into a collection that's crafted for the
dedicated, with multiple weight and size options available to suit
different training requirements. With Rescue Randy Manikins, you are
investing in a valuable resource that elevates the level of emergency
response and rescue training, contributing to better preparedness and
ultimately saving lives. Find the perfect Rescue Randy Manikin for your
training needs. Browse through our extensive collection and elevate your
training realism to a new level. Our manikins are not only a choice, but a
commitment to superior training and preparedness. Explore our collection
now and take the first step towards realistic, effective, and impactful
training. |
Copyright © 2015 Kam Wah Enterprises Co.
Last modified: 2025年01月10日