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Life/form® Venipuncture and Injection Demonstration Arm - Light Skin

This White Life/form Venipuncture and Injection Demonstration Arm is an economical IV demonstration arm constructed of soft material with lifelike veins in the skin surface that are visible and palpable.

No internal tubing exists, but the skin can be punctured repeatedly. No blood to set up, no mess to clean up, and no leaking. May be used in venipuncture practice when fluid return is not essential, and is suitable for allied IV demonstrations and practice (flexion, cleaning, taping).

Intramuscular injections can be practiced in the deltoid region. The skin and underlying foam may be cut for suturing practice.

This lightweight practice arm provides a more lifelike feel than heavier models on the market, and makes it easier to transport for demonstrations. Inexpensive enough so that each student can have their own arm.

*NOTE: We recommend that no fluids be injected into this arm.







人體護理練習模型 人體重量模擬訓練模型 基本急救訓練模型 成人心肺復甦訓練模型
Simple Simon Patient Care Simulator Rescue Randy Simulaids Brad Prestan Adult CPR Training Manikin

原創分娩技能培訓師 壓瘡清洗及護理模型 成人聽診器訓練模型 嬰兒護理模型
The Original Childbirth Skills Trainer Pressure Sore Cleansing & Dressing Model SAM Basic Adult Auscultation Trainer Baby Care Models

Copyright © 2015 Kam Wah Enterprises Co.
Last modified: 2025年01月10日