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TKK-5401 Grip D
Strength Tester Grip D TKK5401 Dynamometer Digital Grip Strength
Tester Dynamometer Digital Grip Strength
Dynamometer. This is the most popular and widely used digital grip
tester/hand dynamometer in the world. Manufactured in Japan, it is one of
the most accurate with an accuracy of +/- 2 kg from 5 to 100 kg and a
resolution of 0.1 kg. It shows the peak reading for a measurement and can
then be reset to “0” for the next test.
It can also compute a mean value for four consecutive measurements.
It is a very durable and reliable instrument. Grip distance is
adjustable from 4cm to 7cm to accommodate a wide range of hand sizes.
グリップ-D(デジタル握力計) スメドレー式 品番:T.K.K.5401
仕 様
Copyright © 2015 Kam Wah Enterprises Co.
Last modified: 2024年12月31日