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健美  衡量 > 握力測量器 電子油,壓式握力測量器 背肌力,腰腿力測量器
I 脂肪磅 I 脂肪尺及測量儀 I 量角器 I 其他量度器具 握力計 其他測量計 計步器1 計步器2


  1. 測量等長握力和肌肉靜態收縮力量;

  2. 非常適合常規篩檢握力, 手部創傷和功能障礙的初始及持續評估;

  3. 測量範圍為 0-200 磅 或 90 公斤;

  4. 雙刻度讀數可測量等長握力(以磅和公斤為單位);

  5. 1.375" 3.375" 五個握把位置可調節, 適合大小不同手部尺寸;

  6. 測量時峰值指針停留在最高讀數點, 直至重置;

  7. 防刮 UV 特殊塗層可保護所有數位組件免受損壞;

  8. 免維修設計, 裝置內部沒有任何移動組件;

  9. 配有塑膠手提箱、手冊以及手部力量和靈活性篩檢的完整說明;

  10. 校準證書符合 ISO/IEC 17025 標準, 可追溯至 NIST

Jamar Hand Dynamometer

Measures isometric grip force and strength. Ideal for routine screening of grip strength and initial and ongoing evaluation of hand trauma and dysfunction.

Measures from 0-200 lbs or 90 kgs

Accommodates small and large hand sizes, with five grip positions from 1.375" to 3.375"

Dual scale readout measures isometric grip force in both pounds and kilograms

Peak hold needle retains highest reading until reset

Scratch-resistant UV coating protects all digital components from damage, unit does not have internal moving parts

Comes with plastic carrying case, manuals and complete instructions for hand strength and flexibility screening

Calibration certificate in compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 and is traceable to NIST.


YO 握力計 5401 電子握力計 背肌力 / 腰力計 電子背肌力計 / 腰力計TTK5402
Hand Dynamometer YO II Digital Dynamometer 5401 Back Leg Chest Strength Tester Digital Back Leg Chest Strength Tester 

CAMRY EH101 電子握力計 MG-4800 電子握力計 Baseline 油壓式握力計 JAMAR  油壓式握力計
Digital Dynamometer EH101 Digital Hand Dynamometer MG-4800 Baseline Hydraulic Dynamometer  JAMAR  Hydraulic Dynamometer

Copyright © 2015 Kam Wah Enterprises Co.
Last modified: 2024年04月17日