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Susie® Simon® Newborn Patient Care Simulator,
Medium The Susie Simon® S100 is a full-term newborn
patient simulator designed to help participants train and develop nursing
care and CPR skills. Participants can work hands-on and gain clinical
competence in NG intubation and male/female catheterization skills. Susie® and Simon® Newborn Care Simulator
Susie® Simon® 新生兒護理模擬器 Susie Simon® S100 是一款足月新生兒患者模擬器,旨在幫助參與者培訓和發展護理和心肺復甦技能。參與者可以親身實踐並獲得
NG 插管和男性/女性插管技能的臨床能力。 Susie® 與 Simon®新生兒護理模擬器特性:
Copyright © 2015 Kam Wah Enterprises Co.
Last modified: 2025年01月10日